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9:44 p.m. - June 26, 2002
Random survey thing
Copying off Epiphany

name three foods you regularly eat:
01. Kaesespatzle
02. bread
03. eggs

name three drinks you regularly drink:
01. water
02. coke
03. apfelschorle

name three ice cream/yogurt flavors you love:
01. Mint Chocolate chip from Baskin-Robbins/Ruggles yogurt
02. chocolate
03. Edy's coney island waffle cone

name three things currently attached to your body:

01. my cochlear implant (hey, there's a magnet in there too).
02. t-shirt
03. pants

name three random facts about your family:
01. My immediate family is the only one in the United States
02. On my mom's side, I've got 5 living aunts (it would be six if you count Auntie Abbie, who died of cancer when I was 13), 5 uncles, 17 cousins from those uncles and aunts. Of those cousins, five are married, and between those cousins, they have nine kids). So I think that's about...31 people there, and the family is always growing. In addition, my grandma adopted two children who are not close to my family, and they also have a lot of kids. I'm not sure how many.
03. One of the kids my grandma adopted has a daughter named Easter Child. The other kids (that I know of--he's one of the ones who had a lot of kids with lots of women)...are named: John Wayne, May Child, and June Child.

name three colors you love:
01. purple (the dark kinds)
02. blue (like a dark navy blue color)
03. burgundy

name three items in your bag:
01. my wallet
02. my passport
03. Altoids

name three bad habits you hate people doing:
01. people who put their shoes (or shoe clad feet) on my bed
02. people who talk loudly on cell phones, having private conversations everywhere
03. people who have really, really, really bad table manners

name three bad habits you possess:
01. I'm a slob
02. I'm a sucker for books. Therefore, I spend to much money
03. addicted to Reese's PB cups, I'll buy chocolate and then hoard it.

name three things you enjoy:
01. reading
02. movies (preferably those that are films or those that are intelligently written)
03. getting letters from people I love


1. What do you most like about your body? I like my eyes and smile, but I am most fond of my thumbs, because they are double jointed.

2. And least? my stomach

3. How many fillings do you have? I don't remember. three or four, perhaps.

4. Do you think you're good looking? It depends on my mood. Some days I think i look ravishing. Other days I think I look pretty dumpy. It depends on what I wear and what I feel like that day

5. Who would you look like if you could look like anyone besides yourself? Ooh. It's a tossup between Lucy Liu or maybe Portia DiRossi (sp?) Or oh, I know...Audrey Hepburn or Jeri Ryan...or or or...but to ask me that is really not fair, since every one of those women that I list have features that I like (ie; Lucy Liu has beautiful hair and, same for Portia DiRossi, Audrey Hepburn with those eyes, Jeri Ryan with those eyes and lips...I think I'll just stick with me for now. :)

6. Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? Sometimes.

7. Do you look like any celebrities?

-- Fashion --

1. Do you wear a watch? Yes. I feel naked without one.

2. How many coats and jackets do you own? Six

3. Favorite pants/skirt color? hmm. I usually wear blue jeans...but maybe black or olive green.

4. Most expensive item of clothing? My prom dress from high school...All for one day, can you believe it? It cost me $160.

5. What kind of shoes do you wear?
My German ones? Bowling shoe style...also my mary janes--which are my favorite type to wear. No matter what, they're always comfortable shoes.

6. Describe your style in one word: individualistic


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