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11:04 a.m. - August 22, 2002
Home Sweet Home
Okay, I'm back! I was in State College, Pennsylvania and in Edinburg, Virginia. State College to visit a friend, and Edinburg for a wedding which may or may not have been a fiasco, depending upon your perspective (that is: mondo stress, poor photography, extreme exhustion because everyone was trying to do everything to make sure the bride was NOT stressed out. On the other hand, Sarah made it through the ceremony. There were more than several moments when it seemed almost certain that she was going to just call off the wedding. Frankly, none of us would have been surprised, too...)

But I think I'll just write a slightly more detailed entry about the week-long trip on my computer and then copy it over here later.

But I wanted to just jot a note and share with you one of the highlights of this week, when I got to scare my friend's cat, however unintentionally. This was at Jill's in PA.

I think I'll just copy the exerpt from Jill's email. There's nothing secretive about that part of the email, so...

"I bought Callie this hangs from the door frame and has a toy mouse attached by a stretchy elastic string...Callie was playing with it, and then Stacey noticed that something was sort She said, 'It looks like a flying squirrel!' So I went over to investigate, as the toy certainly doesn't look like a flying squirrel, and discovered that a pair of my underwear had somehow gotten attached to the mouse and was spreading out like wings when Callie sent the mousie flying. Stacey started laughing hysterically--her short, very high-pitched laugh that sounds like puppies--and Callie came running out, stared at Stacey, and her tail was all puffed up. She was totally freaked. That, of course, made us laugh harder."

Oh, and a movie recommendation: My Big Fat Greek Wedding. You need to see it. It's hilarious, funny, witty, and sharp. It's got a great script, great visual gags now and then, and a great cast (which includes John Corbett!), I'm telling ya...And this is from the film snob...


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